Your child can walk through our doors, into the wonderful world of Performatots, from when they turn 2 years of age.
It's never too early to start finding the right place for when your child turns 2; we even have babies on our newborn waiting list! Places at Performatots are limited; we really don't like to disappoint, so we recommend you get that registration form filled out and join the correct waiting list in advance as soon as you can.
You will really notice big changes around 18 months and 2 years, when your child starts to rapidly develop their communication skills, their own sense of identity and interests. At this age, your child will have either been at home or perhaps in a nursery environment, however they are likely to be showing you they are ready for more challenge, more stimulation and may also be trying to show you their independence! And, that's where a specialist pre-school fits right in!
We would be delighted to show you around the school and highly recommend you make an appointment to visit us in action - it really is the best way to experience our school and meet our teaching team.
We are open from 8am, Monday to Friday, offering full or half day sessions until 6pm, with an early finish on Fridays at 4.30pm. We also offer an early finish throughout the week at 4.30pm, which doesn't include afternoon tea.
Our admissions policy specifies a minimum attendance of being greeted at the door 2 times a week. This can be either 2 x half day sessions or 2 full day sessions, or a mix. This minimum attendance policy really helps our staff get to know your son or daughter, helps your child to settle more easily, and aids the development of their friendships, knowledge and skills. Of course, we have pupils attending 5 days a week, and the more your child attends, the more they learn and the faster they develop their skills and knowledge, ready for the best start at Primary school.
Arrange a virtual or in-person 'book a look' appointment by booking online, or have a chat with us, calling the school office on 01423 819207 or email hello@performatots.co.uk
If you simply love us, (and we really hope you do!) then we'll send out the registration pack out to your house. Just email us with your address. Simply sit down with a cup of tea, fill it all in and get it back to us with your preferred start date.
We will confirm your place within 5 working days and organise payment of the £65 non-refundable registration fee. We will then issue you with your first uniform polo shirt, agree a settling in plan and a starting date for your child. Let's get their exciting journey started!